Chairman's Message
Views of Parents

New Session Info
Application Form
Medical Care
Teachers Training Course

Permission Letters
Why Donate?
Future Plans
New Session


  • Last date for submission of application form
    September 18,2005

  • Last date for payment of dues:
    September 18, 2005

  • Commencement of Classes:
    September 23,2005

Admission Requirements

The following particulars should be submitted with admission application form.
  1. 4 recent color photographs of child

  2. Copy of the child's passport (if any)

  3. Copy of the father's passport

  4. Age certificate of the child

  5. Residential permit of the father

  6. Affidavit (available from school office) regarding medical care of the student

Medical Care

The ISIS is very conscious about the health of students. ISIS keeps the medical record of each and every student. The Vaccinations, General Examination, Eyes Examination, Ear Examination, Nose Examination, Throat Examination, Chest Examination, Abdominal Examination, Cardiovascular Examination, CNS Examination, Psychiatric Assessment and Dental Examination held with the help of Prominent International Doctors.

Affidavit regarding permission for Emergency treatment is also signed from the parents/guardians at the time of admission.


 Fee Structure
The ISF is trying to write off all the fees but due to lack of funds unable to do it right now. Inshallah all the fees, transport, books, uniform etc will be free very soon.
  • Admission Fee 5000 Tumans (one time)
  • Monthly Fee 3500 Tumans (4$) per month
  • Advance for Books 5000 Tumans
    (The book prices may be changed)
  1. Students already studying will be exempted from admission fee

  2. In case of two brothers/sisters 1000 Tomans discount will be given on monthly fee

  3. In case of three brothers/sisters 3500 Tomans discount will be given on monthly fee

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) International School encourage students by rewarding different scholorships.

  • Monthly & Yearly Scholarship
  • Scholarship in shape of books & uniform
  • Special scholarship rewards to the best students