Why donate?
The parents of 100% students are seeking Islamic education at Qom and getting very small amount as stipends from the Marajas institution. So this is very difficult for them to arrange fees, uniform, transport, books etc for each children.
ISF is purely non-profit institute that meets its expenses from donations of generous community members. Presently ISF is facing financial crises, as the student per head expenses is $30/month (building rent, staff salaries, uniform, transport, fees, books, scholarships, stationary, printing, utility bills etc.).
Presently school is getting nominal charges but ISF is trying to wave off all the expenses from students with the help of generous and valuable community members. With grace of Allah Aima Masoomeen (A.S.) all the education, uniform, transport, books will be free very soon. ISF also desires to give monthly scholarship/stipend to each and every student.
The different Marja-e-Taqleed have appreciated the basic idea of the ISF and directed to accelerate its development. They have accorded special permissions to get donations.
ISF is trying to contact generous peoples of the community to make real the dream of Free International Standard Education.
Please come forward and help the students to the maximum possible extent as the students are our future and the future should be splendid.